Beeji's Favourite Child Award 2024

Family rivalry hits a little different when it’s the Beeji 'Favourite Child' Election Season. Bribes have been accepted, votes are counted, egos shattered—may the best child win the 2024 award… until next year. 



The Only Child took the cake as the favourite child for 2024 🏆

The Only Child is the centre of attention and familiar with being spoiled. While they have an overdeveloped sense of self, they have an open heart for their friends. They aren't great at sharing but they know how to entertain themselves. 

Our Only Child hat pairs well with self reliance, independence and a solo backpacking adventure. 



Let’s face it, being the Middle Child isn’t always easy. With a tendency to feel overlooked, the Middle Child knows how to get attention through creative means. Some may call them the more rebellious ones in the family but they just need to break out from the crowd (even if it causes a stir).

Blending in is just boring, this Middle Child was born to stand out and they're a well deserved runner up for 2024. 


Is it any surprise that the #onlychild takes the prize? Which child is your favourite?

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